SCSN is primarily a membership organisation that brings together representatives from across the community safety sector to achieve a shared vision of safer, healthier and happier communities. We are the strategic voice for community safety in Scotland.

Experiences & Perceptions of Community Safety

In 2020 we published research on ‘Experiences & Perceptions of Community Safety’ in Scotland. We produced this short animation which summarised this research and some of it’s main conclusions – including around how women, LGBTQI people, ethnic minorities, disabled people and people of different ages experience community safety.

Vision for Justice & the Community Safety Landscape

One year on from publication of the Scottish Government’s Vision for Justice – we decided to take an in depth look at the Vision for Justice and the current reality of the Scottish Community Safety landscape.

We believe that Community Safety Partnerships have a strong role to play in helping to achieve the Outcomes of the Vision for Justice.

To explore this further, we’ve published a new video and accompanying document making the case for the crucial role of the community safety sector – especially around prevention and partnership working to tackle the root causes of crime & reduce re-offending.

SCSN Strategic Plan

This plan is the culmination of many months of work including a staff and board strategy day and a member and stakeholder engagement event.

The member and stakeholder event held in March 2019 saw us invite those who are part of our organisations, as well as our partners, to help us literally draw up our new strategic plan with the help of the fantastic Clare Mills from Listen Think Draw. The final result is a Strategic Plan which is simple, easy to read, co-designed and graphically illustrated.

Find out more about our Strategic Plan, the process of creating it and view it here.

This page features recent case studies from partners in Community Safety across Scotland. These cases studies cover a wide range of community safety issues.

If you have a project or practice that you would like to share, please contact us by emailing