YouthLink Scotland is now welcoming applications for the Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities Facilities Fund 2016-17.
The CashBack for Communities Facilities Fund is an open fund which will support not-for-profit community based organisations working with young people within the sports and outdoor learning sectors to apply for funding of up to £150,000 towards improvements to facilities and/or equipment in order to offer high quality sport and physical activities which support the health and wellbeing of young people in areas where there is identified need. The fund will also support revenue costs associated with the proposed opportunities to a maximum of 10% of the total amount requested.
Proposals must:
- Target young people aged 10 – 24 years
- Create high quality sport and physical activity experiences for disadvantaged young people and tackle inequality
- Break down barriers to participation in sport and physical activity caused by disadvantage e.g. poverty, disability, rural isolation
- Focus resources in areas where there is an identified gap in existing provision
- Support community based organisations working with young people within the sports and outdoor learning sectors
- Provide evidence of sustainability
- Support and encourage the involvement of local people (particularly young people) in the development, management and running of the project
The deadline for receiving applications is 1pm on Tuesday 31 May 2016.
More information on the latest round of the CashBack for Communities Facilities Fund, grant criteria and details can be found here.