The partnership between SCSN and Network Rail was initially established to raise awareness of cross cutting themes shared by both organisations, however the partnership has had a wider impact in improving public and staff safety around the rail network.
By working in partnership we can evidence success in reducing rail crime and increasing awareness of safety in and around the rail network. Much of this success can be attributed to how limited resources have been targeted using data from the Community Safety Partnership Group and using SCSN contacts in local communities.
SCSN has provided a vehicle for local engagement which has enabled Network Rail and other key rail contractors to build closer links to communities; and to work with them to find lasting and sustainable solutions to local problems.
The success of the partnership goes well beyond reducing rail crime and rail incidents; by incorporating important rail safety messages within wider programmes we have supported people into employment and education; skilled staff to save lives through suicide intervention training; provided volunteering opportunities to young people; given individuals skills to make informed life choices; and much more.
SCSN has added value in the promotion of new services (EGIP and Borders Rail) and the opportunities these services bring for those living in the communities. Together we have left a legacy of learning and community resources in areas affected by rail construction. Funding has enabled us to raise travel safety awareness with new rail users and in particular addressing the concerns of those with special needs by finding alternative mediums to present safety information.
This booklet highlights not only the range of diverse, interesting and educational projects that Network Rail have supported but show links to national agenda and the contribution Network Rail has made to delivering on national strategies.