November 2022
I’m always impressed by Corporate Rebels. Their most recent piece gives an inspiring account of what’s possible, with great examples of how some employers are responding to rising inflation.
In it, it talks about putting people first – we get that at SCSN, as we’ve written about before.
Everyone now knows about our 4 day week! But it’s not all we do here to work differently…
No timesheets, no clocking in and out, no insistence of being at desks – none of that.
We are a small team and you know most of us so it’s difficult to talk about some of our approaches without breaching people’s privacy but each one of us is different, with different likes and dislikes and styles of working. So we are flexible and understanding. The work gets done.
We’ve made a cost of living payment to staff already – I’ve no way of knowing what our funding will be next year and what our budget might looks like so our fabulous board of directors approved a cash in pocket move that’s made things a bit easier for some of us. I was horrified to hear recently of some third sector organisations who haven’t been able to offer a cost of loving rise for a number of years, our grant application this year WILL include a cost of living increase request – I’ll let you know how we get on.
We have reviewed travel arrangements – we are stuck with 45p per mile (which in no way covers petrol now, let alone other wear and tear etc.) So we have changed what’s claimable.
It’s trauma informed practice and it’s how every employer should be working post Covid and amidst this cost of living crisis.
Here are some things that I’ve found useful if you are looking to do the same: