We’re proud of being early adopters of a four day working week, and for having been recognised by the Four Day Week Campaign with Gold Accreditation – having cut our working hours by 20% with no loss of pay or conditions!

We’ve received positive feedback from our members, stakeholders and importantly from our staff since adopting the four day working week – with output levels as high as ever and staff self-reported wellbeing very much increased. The latter is something we’re particularly passionate about, which is why we’re part of the Global Wellbeing Economy Alliance.

As part of the Four Day Week Campaign, we were asked to write about our experiences. You can read some of our staff teams’ thoughts in this post (see below) as they answer questions put to them by the Four Day Week Campaign.

But we went one better than that and also created this short video!


Lorraine Gillies, Chief Officer

What were the deciding factors in becoming a four day week company?

The Scottish Community Safety Network are a small team with a large remit!  We work across Scotland to support community safety partnership working and it’s tough sometimes!

I don’t have a lot to offer in terms of promotion, development opportunities, high salaries or fancy perks, but I can make our workplace the best it can be.

We introduced well-being leave just before the pandemic and were already working very flexibly.  We all worked from home all through the pandemic and our work life balance was shot to pieces..

Introducing the 4 day week made sense to us for these reasons –

  • Re-establishment of on time and off time (we still pretty much work from home)
  • Effectively gave a salary increase with no additional cash
  • Invested in the staff team and ensuing they are able to do their best
  • Leading the way in trauma informed practice and compassionate work places – we have shared our experience widely and others have followed.

What do you think are the main benefits of a four day week to your staff?

Staff morale and retention.

And similarly, what have been the benefits of operating a four day week to the company? (productivity/profitability etc).

I can’t promise an uptick in productivity – we don’t work like that, but the quality of what we do is recognised as being exemplar and our partners, members and stakeholders agree.  We asked our members – have you seen any difference since we started this and they said that our work is still as high quality and that they actually hadn’t noticed.  That’s good enough for me.

Has a four day week helped the company become greener and more energy efficient?

Id say it has, we use no company resources and have no commute on Fridays. 

What is the structure of your four day week? (i.e. Monday to Thursday) and does everyone get the same day off?

We are all off on Fridays – that gives us a 3 day weekend.  No loss of salary or conditions. In fact, we now have much more annual leave now as well.  An unintended consequence.  When you book a week’s holiday, you now need use only 4 days.

Given your experience in making this happen, is there any specific advice you would give to other companies also considering the viability of moving to a 4 day week?

Trial it first.

Do some baseline evaluation before you start – stress levels, task focus etc. And you will see changes as you trial and then implement.

Keep your audience in the loop – in our case, it was community safety organisations across the country.  We very rarely get emails in our inboxes on Fridays now.

David Barbour, Comms Officer

What’s the best thing about working for a four day week company?

Having more time to do things that I want to do rather than things I need to do. I enjoy my job, (most of the time!) but I’ve always felt that I’m only going to have one life – and I don’t really want my life to be defined by or dominated by work. Not when there is so much else I could be doing or experiencing – even if that’s as simple as reading more great books or having a bit more time to spend enjoying with friends. I have experienced pleasure or satisfaction through work, but the stuff that really makes life worth living is rarely to be found behind your work desk – in my humble opinion.

How does working four days a week effect your productivity/ time management?

I don’t think it’s made me more productive – but nor has it made me less productive. I feel it sharpens the mind to get through your work in the shorter space of time, especially in that I’m less mentally drained by the end of each week and a three day break feels infinitely more restful than two days.

I always felt a two day weekend barely gave you time to wind down before you were back at work – and I can’t be the only person who used to spend half of every Sunday thinking about having to get up and go back to work the next day. So it felt like you only truly had one completely free day each week where your mind could rest. Now it feels like there are two completely free days and one restful preparation day.

In terms of time management it’s made me hone ways of productively using my time. I also feel that a combination of the pandemic and a sort of mental shift that took place then – and the four day week has continued in me, is accepting that actually, except in some specific circumstances (and I guess in some specific jobs) a lot of our time pressures or deadlines are arbitrary and self-created. We don’t actually have to rush things. Better things are done well and with due attention than rushed to some self-imposed deadline.

How do you spend your extra day-off? (life admin/new hobbies/more time with loved ones etc)

I read more books, watch more movies, spend more time with friends and family, and I exercise more often (Friday is my new protected gym day!). I also have more time

Have you noticed any mental health or physical health benefits to working a four-day week?

I’ve definitely noticed I feel a greater sense of freedom to pursue the things in life that I really enjoy doing. No matter how much you might like your job, or unless you’re exceptionally lucky and would do it for free, there is an element of being forced to do something, or forced to be in a place, restrictions on your time etc. that you might not otherwise choose.

How do people respond when you tell them you work a four-day week?

Usually with surprise and also with phrases like ‘You lucky *#@$!’ or ‘God I wish we would do that’. The incredulity increases when I tell them we just did a straight 20% cut in hours with no loss of pay or conditions – which for me is the only way it should be done.

I doubt I’d feel as much benefit or even slightly resent an employer that tried to implement it by cutting other benefits or condensing 35 hours into four days. The evidence shows that a four-day week actually tends to benefit the company too, often increasing productivity and staff wellbeing, with benefits to wider society and even helping tackle the climate crisis. It shouldn’t be thought of as a favour to staff for which something needs to be extracted in return – but part of a move to a more sustainable wellbeing focussed and productive economy.

Would you ever go back to a five day week job?

Not if I could help it.

Kevin Chase, National Development Officer

What’s the best thing about working for a four day week company?

Having more time to do things that I want to do rather than things I need to do is the key part of a 4 day working week. With the family activities, food shopping and other activities, I feel that a 5 day working week meant cramming as much as I could in 2 days.  I also previously worked shifts prior to joining the Scottish Community Safety Network and it would be a quick turnaround after working night shifts to the next set of early shifts.  The 4 day week means my health and sleeping patterns are much more improved. 

I really enjoy my job and need to remember when I am scheduling meetings that I only have 4 days for the meetings to take place.  The work/life balance for the 4 day week provides sufficient rest and also time to ensure the work is completed and deadlines are met. 

How does working four days a week effect your productivity/ time management?

When I tell people that I am employed by a company who work a 4 day week, this is the most common reply.  My work capacity would be no different if I worked a 4 day or 5 day week, by working a 4 day week, it focuses more on my organisational skills.  The work is still completed on time and key to this is prioritising my work appropriately to meet deadlines.  I am sure if other companies are considering the move I can assure them that with appropriate prioritisation of work that productivity does not dip nor the quality of work produced.               

How do you spend your extra day-off? (life admin/new hobbies/more time with loved ones etc)

I have taken up a new hobby.  I have never fished before so with the 4 day working week, I have now joined my local fly fishing association.  The new season starts in a couple of weeks and it has got me hooked (pardon the pun!) already.  With the extra day it has also meant I am no longer rushing to purchase food for the week, therefore my family are eating healthier and we are trying out different recipes.  This has also had an indirect benefit with my teenage son now cooking meals for ourselves that he prepares.

I also coach a young person’s football team and our fixtures are on a Saturday morning.  With a 5 day working week it was challenging to complete the household tasks with only one and half days to complete them. 

I am a keen runner and the extra day helps with my running plans for half marathons that I am scheduled to complete.  With the family at work, school the extra day allows me to complete my long runs.

Have you noticed any mental health or physical health benefits to working a four-day week?

Absolutely. I previously worked shifts and struggled to sleep after the shifts.  The 4 day working week has improved my overall health considerably in terms of sleeping pattern and provide the perfect work/life balance.  My mental health, especially stress levels have reduced considerably the extra day off has really helped with this to provide sufficient rest before I start work again.  If you take into account that most people on a Sunday evening will have some thoughts about the week ahead, I only had a day of completing switching off before starting the build up to work again.

As I previously disclosed I also believe our diet has improved considerably with the extra time to prepare meals for the family and also purchasing the ingredients for the family to cook and I am really looking forward to bringing home my catch!  

How do people respond when you tell them you work a four-day week?

As I have mentioned the common response is “how do you manage to get all your work done” I always highlight that our work is always completed to a high standard and our deadlines are met.  Others also comment on whether we all get the same day off each week or if it is flexible.  For myself my day off is fixed and I have not, nor would I ask, for a different day in the week.  I have Fridays off which works really well for me.  I also highlight how my overall health has definitely improved as a direct benefit (more time to exercise and relax) to the indirect benefit (more time to plan meals) and taking up a new hobby. 

I have never previously worked for a 4 day company before and would highly recommend this for those who are considering this to improve work/life balance. 

Would you ever go back to a five day week job?

It would definitely not be an option I would willingly take.

Dawn Exley, National Development Officer

What’s the best thing about working for a four day week company?

The long weekend!  I really appreciate that we decided to do that and everyone gets to benefit from a longer rest.  Work is still work and the weekend is still the weekend, the balance is just a bit different.

How does working four days a week effect your productivity/ time management?

I think with more rest I feel happy/excited/ready to get back to work and I am more productive with my time, especially in the first 2 days and the last 2 days you know you need to finish off things before the weekend, so it works well.  I have found the 4 day week makes working from home a lot easier as it is less monotonous and I also have energy to spend on things I want to do in the evening more.

How do you spend your extra day-off? (life admin/new hobbies/more time with loved ones etc)

I try and split my weekend usually one day rest/leisure, one day house and garden work and one day out and social.  It’s a nice balance.

Have you noticed any mental health or physical health benefits to working a four-day week?

Yes, I have more energy to do the things I enjoy doing at weekends and evenings and that makes me happier overall. 

How do people respond when you tell them you work a four-day week?

Lots of people are intrigued and want to know more about how it works and how I feel mentally/physically.  Many feel they could not do their workload in the time but I tell them it has been fine for us.

Would you ever go back to a five day week job?

I would not want to if I could avoid it.