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We warmly invite you to join us online on Tuesday 17 August, 11.00-12.30 BST for the webinar Myths, Lockdowns, Curfews & Bans: Alcohol consumption & harms during COVID-19 in four continents.
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) are delighted to support the established webinar series hosted by the International Confederation of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug (ATOD) Research Associations (ICARA) – learn more about ICARA below. The ICARA webinar series is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA).
Chair: Dr Claire Wilkinson, NHMRC Senior Research Fellow at University of New South Wales, and Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR), La Trobe University.
Unnatural deaths, alcohol bans and curfews in South Africa: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment during COVID-19 | Professor Charles Parry, Stellenbosch University
Alcohol kills Coronavirus, I drink alcohol, ergo I don’t need the vaccine – Stories from India | Dr. Abhijit Nadkarni, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Shifts in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia | Dr. Sarah Callinan, La Trobe University
Lockdown & Licensed Premises: COVID-19 Lessons for Alcohol Policy | Professor Niamh Fitzgerald, University of Stirling
The webinar will be hosted online using Zoom, and registrants will receive a link to join (please ensure you spell your email address correctly when registering).
This webinar is free to attend and open to all – register now!
Registrations will close at 9am BST on the day of the event.
The International Confederation of Alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) Research Associations (ICARA) is an international, multidisciplinary, civil society organization that brings together research organisations in the ATOD field. Our members include research societies, associations, networks, funders, institutes and teams across the world. We bring people together with shared interests and challenges on a global level to promote, support and enhance ATOD science through professional exchange, collaboration and other activities. Find out more at www.icara.info
On social media? Follow us to hear about future events, news and opportunities.
ICARA Twitter @ICARA_Global | SHAAP Twitter @SHAAPAlcohol & LinkedIn | SARN Twitter @SARNalcohol | SSA Twitter @SSA_Addiction
You can also join SHAAP’s Mailing List.