Have you ever been in a tough situation concerning children or young people and animal abuse? Could this situation arise for you in the future? Then join us for an insightful webinar with two of Scotland’s leading experts on the subject.
Gilly Mendes Ferreira is director of innovation and strategic relations at Scottish SPCA and Joanne M. Williams is professor of applied developmental psychology at The University of Edinburgh and an expert in children’s interactions with animals.
Gilly and Jo collaborated on the new book: “Understanding Animal Abuse and How to Intervene with Children and Young People” which offers a positive, compassion-based and trauma-informed approach to understanding and intervening in animal abuse.
The webinars will be held on the following dates:
• Wednesday 26 April: 10am – 11am
• Wednesday 3 May: 7pm – 8pm
In the sessions, Gilly and Joanne will explore the topic of animal abuse by children and young people and participants will also be able to air their own thoughts and experiences. There will also be the opportunity for questions.
You can also help us #breakthelink by signing our petition to have animal welfare education added to the core curriculum in Scotland: https://bit.ly/3nSaKoZ
Gilly Mendes Ferreira joined the Scottish SPCA in 2005 and, together with amazing colleagues, creates innovative solutions to address key animal welfare concerns, conducts research in the fields of animal welfare and human-animal interactions and engages at a political level to ensure current animal welfare legislation meets modern-day issues.
Joanne M. Williams is Professor of Applied Developmental Psychology and an expert in children’s interactions with animals. Her research spans the positive effects of pets on children’s development to psychological risk factors for animal cruelty. She works extensively with the Scottish SPCA and other welfare charities to promote children’s compassion to animals.