Our new Carbon Literacy Parish, Town and Community Councils Toolkit Course will help to equip councillors and officers to deliver net zero.

Engaging the local community, sharing knowledge and expertise, and showcasing best practice is crucial to addressing the scale and urgency of the climate emergency and meeting net zero targets.

The Carbon Literacy Project have developed a Toolkit Course enabling councillors and officers to be trained in a day’s worth of learning and action planning. This Toolkit Course sits within the Local Authorities Toolkit suite. As of January 2023, over 8400 Local Authority staff have been certified as Carbon Literate across 235 councils, following the launch of the Generic Staff, Elected Members and Leadership and Management Toolkit Courses.

The initial development of this Toolkit Course was funded by the UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The materials are available for certified Carbon Literacy training within Parish, Town and Community Councils.

Carbon Literacy provides Parish, Town and Community Councils with the opportunity to integrate climate change into their decision making, lead by example, and cascade environmentally sustainable and socially responsible values to galvanise action in their communities. The Toolkit Course will ensure councillors and officers understand the urgency and scale of the climate emergency, and develop an awareness of which actions will have the greatest impact in the drive to achieve net zero emissions. It will also empower councillors and officers to support local people to make informed choices and act in their local community’s best interests.

A panel of councils have co-created, reviewed and piloted the materials, ensuring the latest and best sectoral materials are used. The Toolkit Course consists of slides, activity resources, a comprehensive trainer manual and a ‘getting started’ pack.

The Carbon Literacy Project * is hosting a free launch webinar on Monday 20th March from 10:30 am – 12 pm #. We are very grateful to a number of parties and councillors who have been instrumental in piloting the Toolkit Course, and providing us with invaluable feedback, including Save Our Shropshire, and Speak Carbon Collective, a Platinum Carbon Literate Organisation. Councillors and representatives of Save Our Shropshire and Speak Carbon Collective will be among the guests at the launch event, who will be sharing their experiences and insight. The webinar is open to both councils who have no knowledge of Carbon Literacy, and councils who are delivering Carbon Literacy training.

There will be support for all councils who wish to deliver Carbon Literacy in the optimising of the material for their bespoke needs and in identifying external training capacity should that be needed. Trainer training will also be resourced if there is demand.

If you have not received joining instructions via email by the morning of the event, please check junk/spam folders and if you still cannot find the Zoom link please email localauthorities@carbonliteracy.com or call 0161 298 1782.

# Please email us at localauthorities@carbonliteracy.com if you cannot attend this event but would still like a briefing on the Toolkit Course.

* Carbon Literacy is an adaptable framework for a day’s worth of practical training on how to best contribute to tackling the climate crisis.

The Carbon Literacy Project is not-for-profit. It is owned by The Carbon Literacy Trust and delivered by Cooler Projects CIC.

