
April 28


11:00 am - 12:30 pm

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Scottish Community Safety Network

A review of the research performed on behalf of the Scottish Community Safety Network by MainStreet Consulting into Community Safety

This event will provide the opportunity to learn about the recent MainStreet research project commissioned by SCSN and to share thoughts on its findings and on future developments. The project has focused on:

Partnership working

What makes a safe community

Championing evidence

Experiences of community safety

The final report is based on stakeholder views gathered through a recent questionnaire and discussions at focus groups and consultation sessions. A rapid literature review informed the planning of the project including research work undertaken in recent years by SCSN. These events offer community safety professionals and others the opportunity to learn and share as part of an ongoing process to support future planning. Dates are offered on the basis of the event being repeated so that participants are able to choose the most convenient date to attend.