As part of the 2022 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence the Improvement Service, the Scottish Community Safety Network and Public Health Scotland hosted a successful spotlight event, where we explored how stakeholders could work to embed women and girls’ experiences and risk of VAWG into community safety policy and practice at a local and national level.
The spotlight session explored opportunities for collaborative action and the Learning Report from this event, and others in the series, detail these key messages and actions.
This roundtable will build on the spotlight session and seek to fulfil the commitment made at the session from national partners to work with strategic partners to ensure that the issues and actions highlighted through the spotlight session are considered as part of the upcoming refresh of Equally Safe: Scotland’s Strategy for Preventing and Eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls.
We invite you to consider how the refresh of the Equally Safe Strategy can be utilised to increase the profile of violence against women, and taking a gendered approach, across community safety and place-based planning.
Roundtable Event
The roundtable aims to:
- Revisit and reflect on the key messages and actions from the 2022 Spotlight session
- Explore links between these actions and other priorities that partners are working to locally and nationally, and identify opportunities to ensure a joined-up approach is taken to their implementation
- Agree a plan for progressing these actions collectively that can help inform the refresh of Equally Safe
We invite you to this roundtable to review the key messages and action from the Spotlight session and explore any gaps in the evidence, in policy or practise. The output of the roundtable will be a short summary paper which will be fed into the engagement activity for the refresh of the Equally Safe strategy.
Who should attend?
This roundtable is specifically aimed at those working in the areas of:
– Community Safety
– Tackling Violence Against Women
– Place making and planning
– Community Planning