Drawing on the knowledge of expert keynote speakers: Professor Jason Leitch, Dr Aubrey Fox and Karyn McCluskey how small steps fuel bold change will inspire you to think about how to implement change.
We pose the question: do we need big, bold and radical change? Or, incremental change across time. What works? And, why failing spectacularly isn’t always a bad thing. It is a serious and honest debate about the need for change – with practical takeaways on how you can approach problem-solving in your own work, or personal life.
Over the course of the morning, our speakers will share examples of their work in justice, prevention and public health – from Scotland and around the world – and show how ideas, whether bold or gradual, can gain traction.
At a time where Scotland has one of the highest imprisonment rates in Western Europe, 28.8% of Scotland’s prison population are on remand* and more than £442 million is spent every year on Scottish prisons, this debate couldn’t be more timely.
So, tell us – what does success look like to you? What do you want to see accomplished in Scotland?
For us, here at Community Justice Scotland, that’s a justice system that puts community at its heart. Supporting people to stay in, reconnect and contribute to their communities and putting #CommunityFirst, every time.
*(compared to 19 per cent only five years ago)
Aubrey Fox
Aubrey is a major force in New York’s justice world – driving reform and moves to reduce numbers of people being detained ahead of trials.
He’s co-author with Greg Berman, of two books: Gradual: The Case for Incremental Change in a Radical Age and Trial and Error in Criminal Justice Reform: Learning from Failure.
His innovative approach looks at how gradual measures can produce major changes and how we can learn from our mistakes. He is executive director of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency – the main pre-trial service and research agency for the city, has previously held senior roles at the Center for Justice Innovation and launched the UK office.
Jason Leitch
Jason was front and centre communicating key public health messages to Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic – and he’s now responsible for ensuring quality in the country’s health and social care system.
As the Scottish Government’s national clinical director his remit includes patient safety and person-centred care, NHS planning, and implementing quality improvement across the government and the broader public sector.
Karyn McCluskey
Karyn leads the Community Justice Scotland team championing the benefits of community justice to individuals and communities and an evidence-based approach to prevent crime and make Scotland safer.
She’s a former nurse, trained in psychology, then spent 21 years working with the police and helped establish the ground-breaking Violence Reduction Unit with a public health approach to preventing violence.