Scams & Digital Footprint Awareness

Safeguard yourself in the digital world and enhance your understanding about online safety, scams and your digital footprint. Criminals are experts at impersonating people and organisations. Find out how to recognise, report and protect yourself from becoming a victim of a scam, not only in the real world, but also in the digital world. Topics...

Their Safety, Our Responsibility

As a parent you play a key role in helping your child stay safe online. Find out how you can support your child to use the internet safely Neighbourhood Watch Scotland brings you a webinar in conjunction with Police Scotland to provide advice and information on digital parenting. We need to acknowledge the risks our...

Online Safety Guidance

Learn how the internet is continually evolving and how criminals can use this to their advantage. Neighbourhood Watch Scotland brings you a webinar in conjunction with Police Scotland which aims to help you take practical steps to online safety and safeguard yourself while online. No technical knowledge is required. Topics covered will include: Passwords Privacy...

A place for everything – webinar discussion

A place for everything – webinar discussion organised by the Scottish Futures Trust Living well locally is a key ambition of Scottish Government’s Programme for Government. And building and creating the right conditions for that to happen is about taking a ‘place-based’ approach to needs, services and investment opportunities. Towards the end of last year...

Climate Festival Forum

Join us for our March Festival Forum on holding green events! Our March Climate Festival Forum is a chance to learn about greening your event. No matter what event you’re planning, Keep Scotland Beautiful can help you find ways to make it more environmentally friendly. We will discuss steps such as eliminating single use plastic,...

Policy Memos Evidence Use & Comm. Engagement in Comm. Safety Partnerships

SCSN have been collaborating with students and staff at Strathclyde University & Glasgow University on shaping community safety partnerships The Scottish Community Safety Network have been working in collaboration with staff and students at the University of Strathclyde’s School of Government and Public Policy and the College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow....

Child Friendly Neighbourhoods

Child Friendly Neighbourhoods – an inclusive route to sustainable community wellbeing? Discuss? How can an inclusive and proactive place-based approach to community wealth building take better account of the role, needs , spaces and wellbeing of children and young people (CYP)? How can we ensure the places they grow up in are vibrant, safe, sustainable,...

Place-based System Leadership: Police & Local Government Work in Scotland

Explore how Collective Leadership practice has been developed with locality-based groups from Police Scotland, Local Government and others Collective Leadership for Scotland has been working with colleagues in Police Scotland and The Improvement Service to design and deliver a Pilot Collective Leadership Programme in three localities, including participants from Police Scotland, Local Councils, NHS, Fire...

Understanding Hate Crime

An opportunity to learn more about hate crime with inputs from those on the front line in communities as well as some of the latest research In Scotland today, hate crime is increasing. We know that these types of crimes do not only affect the individual but can have a pervasive impact on entire communities....

Workshop: Communicating with the public about diversion from prosecution

Workshop exploring the best ways to engage with the public to increase support for resolving crime without going to court In a “tough on crime” climate, how can we build support for resolving more crimes without going to court? Join Transform Justice for a workshop on how to communicate about resolving crimes without going to...