Talking to boys and men about gender-based violence

How do we talk to boys and men in ways that will engage them and stop gender-based violence? Declared by the United Nations as an ‘epidemic’ across the world,  how do we talk to boys and men in ways that will engage them and stop gender-based violence?  What is being done in the legal world,...

Placemaking in Practice Symposium

The British-Irish Council, partnering with the Welsh Government and the Design Commission for Wales will host a symposium on Placemaking. Where we live affects how we live and how we live affects everything else including our health, wellbeing, relationships, access to work, social life, and impact on the environment – our whole quality of life....

Alcohol Occasionals – Re-shaping Scotland’s Night-time Economy

Reshaping Scotland’s Night-time Economy: public and stakeholder views on the changing role of alcohol post COVID-19 Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) invite you to join us online on Tuesday 25 July from 12.45-14.00 BST (UK time) for our fourth and final SHAAP/SARN Alcohol Occasionals event of...

Partnering to tackle the cost of living crisis facing GRT in Scotland

“It feels like hands tightening around your throat” – This was how one Gypsy/Traveller mother described the cost of living crisis. Join us this Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History month to discuss the very real impact that the cost of living crisis is having on these communities. We will present recent work done by Progress in...

GRT History Month 2023 – A Celebration Event (Drop-In)

Join us at our GRT History Month 2023 drop-in event celebrating the work and culture of Scotland’s Gypsy/Traveller and Roma communities. Community members, stakeholders, elected representatives, and members of the public are invited to this special event on the occasion of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) History Month 2023. This is an informal ‘come...

Building Fairer Communities: Designing Inclusive Systems and Services

A half-day event exploring how a human rights based approach to service design can deliver better outcomes for marginalised communities. You are invited to attend this important event jointly hosted by the Improvement Service, Public Health Scotland and the ALLIANCE. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the Scottish Approach to Service Design...

Four-Day Week Mini Manifesto Launch

Join us for the launch of the 4 Day Week Mini Manifesto which we’re going to be campaigning on ahead of the next General Election. ***THIS EVENT IS TAKING PLACE ON ZOOM. WE WILL SEND OUT THE MEETING LINK ON THE DAY TO EVERYONE THAT HAS REGISTERED*** Join us for the launch of the Four-Day...

Micro session – Turning my life around with Kevin Neary

“Once someone has been in prison, they need never go back” Kevin turned his life around from a life of crime, he will tell us how he did it Kevin spent much of his life on the wrong side of the law. He would never have thought he could one day be working with the...

Climate Action for All: First Steps and Strategies for a Diverse Community

Giving climate leaders, activists, community and project workers hints and tips on how to build effective engagement with a diverse public. Community Climate Action – first steps and building towards success. How can groups widen community engagement towards climate action, and encourage a more diverse audience? This mini-training is delivered by the Ethnic Minority Environmental...

Hope and Disappointment in Penal Reform

Some Lessons from the Barlinnie Special Unit 1973-1994 This seminar, the next in our Prison and Probation Research Hub series will explore the Barlinnie Special Unit with Mike Nellis, Emeritus Professor of Criminal and Community Justice, University of Strathclyde. The Barlinnie Special Unit opened as a small therapeutic community for a handful of Scotland’s then...