Key note speaker – Professor George Morris
Professor George Morris has spent a career working in environmental health, in local government; as an academic in different Scottish Universities; and as a Consultant in Environmental Health in the National Health Service in Scotland. During his 17 years of NHS Service he worked in the fields of health protection and health improvement. George is Visiting Professor in the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, Exeter University Medical School and continues to work as an independent consultant.
Presentation – Irene Beautyman – Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme
The ambition of the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme is to change our collective approaches to the places where we live, work and play. To deliver upstream preventative interventions that reduce Scotland’s significant health inequalities while delivering on the range of national ambitions around Covid recovery and climate action. Promoting strong partnership working around data driven knowledge on inequality with citizen involvement to create system change.
Shaping Places for Wellbeing is a 3 year programme, running until March 2024, which is being delivered by Public Health Scotland (PHS) and the Improvement Service (IS) jointly with local authorities and NHS boards. The programme will address the role of the place in improving wellbeing using a set of Place and Wellbeing Outcomes. These are the characteristics of every place that, if we get them right, enable everyone in that place to thrive.
Presentation – Ruth Wolstenholme – Place Standard Tool (PST) with a climate lens
The PST with a climate lens will help stakeholders including public health planners, local planning partners and communities to consider how global trends such as climate change will play out in a local area.