Where we live affects how we live and how we live affects everything else including our health, wellbeing, relationships, access to work, social life, and impact on the environment – our whole quality of life. The built environment hosts every human interface. Whether we are catching a train, attending school or university, in need of healthcare services, living in comfortable homes or enjoying green space, safe drinking water and clean air – we rely on our built, made and shaped environment to support us in our way of life.
It is no longer sufficient to promote development and regeneration activity from a single economic perspective. Location, climate, the relationships between mobility and infrastructures of many kinds – physical, service, utility, social or green – must be better understood as to better meet the needs of people.
This collaborative symposium will bring together the eight Member Administrations of the British-Irish Council to explore the challenges and opportunities for shaping places that better address the needs of people in the context of rapid change and inequalities that characterise our society, as well as the impact of climate and nature emergencies. How can current and future generations live well? How can placemaking contribute to supporting the green economy and efforts towards decarbonisation?
This event provides space for examining key perspectives; for discussion, debate and the exchange of ideas across sectors and disciplines seeking to identify ways in which decision makers, professionals and civic society can play leading roles. We invite you to join us and expect to engage, question, debate, think and contribute.
The event will bring together stakeholders engaged in placemaking and planning including private and public practitioners, academic experts, local authorities, community leaders and policy makers.
Please register for this event using this eventbrite page, and further information including a finalised programme will follow.