
February 10


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Scottish Community Safety Network

An opportunity to learn more about hate crime with inputs from those on the front line in communities as well as some of the latest research

In Scotland today, hate crime is increasing. We know that these types of crimes do not only affect the individual but can have a pervasive impact on entire communities. We also know that we have a lot further to go to adequately address this issue in Scotland.

With this in mind, we need to continue to work together to better our understanding of hate crime and improve this national picture.

This event will be an opportunity to learn more about hate crime with inputs from those on the front line in communities as well as some of the latest research.

There will be presentations from:

– Rania Hamad on her doctoral research ‘How and why hate crime occurs: exploring the accounts of people convicted of hate crime in Scotland’

– Abdul Rahim and Sam Tedcastle from the Centre for Good Relations CIC will explore the use of tension monitoring processes to assess community relations and detect tensions, and consider the merits of introducing similar processes in Scotland.

– Dr Joe Webster on the bonding effect of hate, through his recent publication ‘The Religion of Orange Politics’

-Nina Munday from The Fife Centre for Equalities on community perspectives and experiences of hate crime

After the presentation there will be a 30 minute panel discussion where attendees can ask questions.

We hope attendees will leave with an increased understanding of hate crime and its effects and a renewed passion to continue to work towards safer communities for all.

Speaker bios below: