This is a free course, open to anyone working in Scotland’s Third Sector and is hosted fully online.
About this course:
This course is for anyone working in Scotland’s third sector who is responsible for or involved with a volunteering programme and is interested in learning why and how to take a human rights and equalities to your work.
Join us to learn:
- What a human rights and equalities first approach is
- How human rights and equalities are relevant to your volunteering programme
- How to apply human rights and equalities to your volunteer recruitment practices and the culture of your volunteering programme.
About this event
This training will be hosted online, we will send you the Zoom link to join 2 days before the event. It will run from 10am to 1pm on 4th October 2023.
We strive to make all of our training sessions accessible. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs when you book your place.
Please note, if a significant number of people from a single organisation register to attend the same training session, we may be in contact to seek alternative options.
About THRE:
THRE (Third Sector Human Rights and Equalities) is a partnership of GCVS, EVOC and HTSI. It’s a nationwide project with funding from the Scottish Government Equality and Human Rights Fund to allow us to develop and deliver resources, training and networks to support third-sector organisations towards taking a human rights and equalities first approach to their organisational development and delivery.
To contact us about this training session, please email