Feeling the pinch? – Chief Officer Blog

by Lorraine Gillies, Chief Officer, SCSN Is there anyone not feeling the pinch just now?  As the news reports the fastest fall in real pay on record, – the cost of living crisis comes into everyone’s orbit. The statistics are terrifying, and change with pace – by the time I write this and publish it,...

Climate Change & Community Safety Special

In November last year, Glasgow held the COP26 Climate Conference. Like many people, we’d also been becoming increasingly aware of news items/articles, research and warnings being issued by climate scientists – which began to make it crystal clear that climate change would have a serious impact across a range of community safety areas of interest....

Justice Analytical Services Safer Communities & Justice Brief for July

The July edition of the Justice Analytical Services Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report has been published this morning. It can be found on the Scottish Government website. The report contains summary statistics covering a number of important justice and safer communities statistics. There is also more detailed information on fire and prisons....

EU Safety Conference in Vienna

by Dawn Exley, National Development Officer On 23rd and 24th June, our Chief Officer, Lorraine and I (Dawn, National Development Officer) headed off to Vienna to present to European delegates at the EU Safety Conference 2022 to showcase our Experiences & Perceptions of Community Safety animation as well as our Causation Factors of Unintentional Injury...

Question of the Month July 2022

Results for June-July Question of the Month Our Question of the Month for June-July was based around our June newsletter’s theme of anti-social behaviour. We interviewed Mark Nicol of the Wheatley Group on their new approach to ASB. You can view the interview here. As is tradition, we had Mark provide our Question of the...

Research Grant Opportunity: Developing Effective Policing Systems, Capability & Resilience

The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) is providing research funding to researchers based at SIPR member universities. These innovative and original research projects will contribute to SIPR Strategic Research Priorities overall but will focus on the challenges and emerging issues related to our third strategic aim “Policing systems, capability, and resilience”. There are increasing and changing demands on policing with evidence...

Question of the Month June-July 2022

Question of the Month for May: Results Our Question of the Month for May-June was based on last month’s Home Safety themed Safety NETworks newsletter. We believe there needs to be a greater focus on home safety in the community safety sector in Scotland, and we wanted to know whether you agreed. We asked: “Do...

Dangerous Dogs in Scotland

by Dawn Exley, National Development Officer The vast majority of Scotland’s dog owners are responsible, take good care of their dogs and are able to experience the benefits of dog ownership.  A small minority, however, do not properly control their dogs.  Very worryingly, in the last 15 years, there has been an 80% rise in...

Question of the Month June 2022

Results for May Our Question of the Month for May was based around our ‘Community Engagement/Participation’ themed newsletter – and following the publication of our ‘Collaborating with People’ event Learning Report. We asked: “Is community engagement the same as co-production?” · 12.5% of respondents said Yes · 75% of respondents said No · 12.5% of respondents said Not...