New Scottish Flood Forecast from SEPA

On 12 May, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency launched a new daily 3-day flood forecast produced by the Scottish Flood Forecasting Service (SFFS). The SFFS is a partnership between SEPA and the Met Office. The Scottish Flood Forecast is the public version of the daily Flood Guidance Statement(FGS) we issue to Civil Contingencies Category 1...

Question of the Month May 2022

Our Question of the Month for March – April related to our recently completed 6 month trial of a four day working week for the SCSN staff team. We’re currently in the process of collating feedback from our staff team, members and stakeholders before making a final decision on whether to adopt a four day...

SCSN 4 Day Week Final Blog

by Dave Shea, Senior National Development Officer OVERVIEW In October 2021, after extensive, systematic, considered discussion of gains and risks – to business and staff – SCSN began a 6 month pilot of 4-day working. We revised our terms and conditions. The organisation’s principles and spirit of working were renewed. An updated ‘How We Will...

Monthly Safer Communities & Justice Brief

The Safer Communities & Justice Brief for April – covering the period up to 28th April. The purpose of this briefing is to provide, in a single place, a concise but comprehensive overview of a number of important justice and safer communities statistics. The brief includes a special feature on its back page. This month’s...

SCSN Annual Member & Stakeholder Survey 2021/22

We are the strategic voice for community safety in Scotland and through working collaboratively with our members and partner agencies we work so that: Leadership is improved across the community safety sector Community Safety is valued and integrated across relevant policy areas Our members feel they are able to deliver their community safety outcomes and have...

WHO Step Safely Falls Prevention Webinars

Falls take the lives of 684 000 people each year. Beyond the death toll, 172 million more people experience disabilities arising from a fall each year. Falls are not only a significant global public health problem – they are a rapidly growing one. Fall-related deaths have risen far faster than any other type of injury...

Water Safety Action Plan published

New safety measures introduced to protect the public. A Water Safety Action Plan has been published to improve safety around Scottish waters including extra funding, updated signs and lesson plans for pupils. The plan has been drawn up by the Scottish Government and a range of key organisations following a number of tragic water deaths...

Get involved in Home Safety in Scotland!

HOME SAFETY SCOTLAND (HSS) REPRESENTATION & PARTICIPATION The Scottish Community Safety Network (SCSN) hosts Home Safety Scotland (HSS), a quarterly online forum – a community of interest and excellence – for professionals focussed on home safety. HSS is a knowledge exchange network, promoting the sharing of best practice. It offers regular opportunity to hear expert...