Campaign to urge reporting of sexual harassment on Scotland’s railways

Crimestoppers Scotland, BTP Scotland, Network Rail and the Rail industry raise awareness about what constitutes sexual harassment, encouraging reporting and helping to make sure there is no unsafe space on Scotland’s railways. Research shows people don’t realise that behaviours like wolf whistling, leering/staring or deliberately invading personal space are forms of sexual harassment. Crimestoppers Scotland...

Question of the Month March 2022

February Results Our Question of the Month for February-March related to LGBT History Month. As covered in our Equalities Edition, the UK was recently listed by the European Council alongside Russia, Turkey, Hungary and Poland as being a hostile environment for LGBT people, largely driven by increasing discussion around trans rights – with LGBT hate...

SCSN team up with arts and youth groups to explore perceptions of community safety in Lanarkshire

SCSN are currently working in Partnership with North Lanarkshire Arts, Tron Theatre, Youth Theatre Arts and the University of Edinburgh on a research knowledge exchange which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The project aims to put arts at the heart of multi-sectoral strategic planning in North Lanarkshire and cut across sectors...

SCSN Briefing: The Vision for Justice in Scotland 2022

The SCSN team have prepared this summary for information of our members and partners, and thewider community safety sector in Scotland. It speaks to the Scottish Government’s (SG) recentpublication of a Vision for Justice in Scotland (The Vision). It promises improvement andtransformation throughout the full journey of criminal, civil and administrative justice. We hope thisbriefing...

Question of the Month February 2022

Our Question of the Month for January related to our ongoing four day week trial. The SCSN has been working a four day week since October and so far so good! Our Senior National Development Officer Dave Shea has written two blog posts at the beginning and midpoint of our pilot. A final post will...

SCSN Staff Team: Hopes for 2022!

For our first newsletter of the year, following two very difficult years, we decided we wanted to try focus on what we’re feeling hopeful about. Here, the SCSN staff team share what they’re excited about in community safety in 2022, as well as their personal hopes for the year! Lorraine I’m hoping for a quieter,...

Question of the Month January 2022

December Question of the Month Results Our Question of the Month for December related to the recently launched Scottish Government campaign to reduce stigma faced by those experiencing alcohol & drug problems. We asked: “Have you, or has someone you love, ever experienced a problem with alcohol or drugs?” · 86% said Yes (32 votes) · 11%...

SCSN 4 Day Week: Blog 2/3

by Dave Shea, Senior National Development Officer We’re halfway through our 6 month experiment, trialling 4-day working at the SCSN. In this second post (you can read the first here), I share the experience so far, organisationally and personally, and try to predict where this all might lead us. It isn’t an evidence-led piece, it’s...

Don’t ho-ho-hold back on speaking up urges charity

New campaign to help keep teenagers on track to have a safe Christmas Fearless – the youth service of independent charity Crimestoppers – is today launching a new Christmas campaign across Scotland to encourage young people to speak up 100% anonymously when they have valuable information about crime over the festive season. Supported by Network...