SCSN Annual Report 2020-21

We were delighted to publish our Annual Report 2020-21 at our recent AGM held on 15 September. As ever, we’ve been keen to present our Annual Report in innovative new ways, so this year we have produced a highlights video to accompany our more detailed formal Annual Report document. We were delighted with the feedback...

Blog Series: SCSN 4 day week pilot begins!

The SCSN Board recently approved a six month trial of a four day working week for our staff team. There’s been a lot of momentum gaining around this idea, with successful pilots having been trialled in other countries, and Scottish Government backing the idea as a way of improving work/life balance of employees – without...

Question of the Month August 2021

Question of the Month July 2021 – Results Our Question of the Month for July related to the first ever Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week which was run by Resolve UK between 19-25 July. The question related to research and feedback from around the UK that opening up after lockdown had seen a rise in anti-social...

Poverty & Scotland’s Drug Deaths Crisis – Guest article, Austin Smith, SDF

Austin Smith, Policy Officer at Scottish Drugs Forum, discusses the link between poverty, problem drug use and Scotland’s high and increasing rate of drug-related deaths. Austin Smith Policy Officer at Scottish Drugs Forum discusses the link between poverty, problem drug use and Scotland’s high and increasing rate of drug-related deaths. The latest drug related deaths...

Question of the Month July 2021

June Question of the Month Results Our Question of the Month for June was based around the theme of Home Safety. Each year thousands of people are injured in avoidable accidents at home in Scotland.  We wanted to know: ‘Have you ever had an accident in the home that resulted in an injury requiring treatment?’...

Decrease in road casualties amidst drop in motor traffic

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland. Transport Scotland Statisticians today released provisional figures for road casualties showing a significant drop in 2020. The figures show the total number of casualties fell by 35% between 2019 and 2020 (from 7,718 to 4,992), the lowest number since annual records began in 1950.  One hundred and forty two...

Experiences & Perceptions of Community Safety: Free animation video resource published!

The Scottish Community Safety Network recently published a significant piece of research. ‘Experiences and Perceptions of Community Safety in Scotland’, produced by Robyn Bailey, Social Researcher for the Scottish Government, was commissioned by SCSN as part of the Scottish Government’s analytical exchange programme. The research was launched at a webinar on 1st December 2020 with practitioners...