Recent years have seen significant reform, legislation and policy changes that have impacted local community justice (CJ) and community safety (CS) practices in Scotland, in response to which, several local authority areas (‘areas’) have commenced the implementation of joint CJ and CS working arrangements.
These arrangements can range from a fully joint CJ and CS partnership to the occasional joint project. Aims and process of the research In a bid to learn more about these new ways of working, Community Justice Scotland (CJS) and the Scottish Community Safety Network (SCSN) have undertaken joint research to:
- find out more about what the drivers have been for joint working arrangements between CJ and CS;
- find out where and how these joint working arrangements are operating; and
- produce case studies that feature some of the various ways in which joint working arrangements are being used by different areas across Scotland.
The impetus for this work was also the shared outcomes between the fields of CJ and CS and their common values, including a commitment to prevention, a focus on supporting people, and a belief in collaboration.
Read the full report here: Joint Working Arrangements between Community Justice & Community Safety
Download Supplementary Paper 1: Methodology
Download Supplementary Paper 2: Case Studies